Highfield Gaijinsan’s blog

これは、Highfieldに住む ”あぶなくない” Gaijinさんと’3K’ Wiffyの開拓の記録です。


Highfieldの脇には、柿の木がありました。Happy Farmer一家の耕作地に植えられたものですが、枝はHighfieldに侵略して伸びていました。3K Wiffyは、Highfieldに伸びてきた枝の柿は採って食べていました。(これは法的にも許されています。)Happy Farmer一家が、柿を収穫することはなく、ただ腐らせて鳥の餌になっていたためです。しかし、この柿はスーパーで売っているものとは比べ物にならない、甘くておいしい柿でした。

There was a persimmon tree beside Highfield. It was planted in the Happy Farmer Family's cultivating land, but the some extended branches invaded Highfield. 3K Wiffy used to eat the persimmons on the branches that had grown to Highfield. (This is legally acceptable.) This is also because the Happy Farmers did not harvest the persimmons, and left them to be just rotten and eaten by birds. However, this persimmon was sweet and delicious, which is not comparable to what is sold at supermarkets.


As this persimmon tree is in the newly purchased land of Highfield, it became a problem how to deal with it. Possible options were as following.

a) Happy Farmer一家が、別の場所に移植する。
  The Happy Farmer Family transplants it to another place.

b) このままにしておくなら、If they leave it as it is,

 1.土盛りをする位置にあるので、3K Wiffyが他の場所に移植する。
   3K Wiffy transplants to other place, because it is in a position for
   an artificial hill.

   Cut it down.

   Since it is growing into two trunks, cut the diagonally extending side trunk
   and leave the main trunk. Also cut the lower branches of the main trunk,
   then even when the soil is piled, the whole tree will be above the ground.

Happy Farmer一家は片づけにすら来ていなかったので、柿の木のことも当然返事はありませんでした。不動産屋さんからも、作物補償料は払っているので、購入した土地にあるものは自由にしてよいと言われました。当初は、Highfield内の別の場所への移植を考えていましたが、これは費用がかかるのと、移植しても夏は時期が悪いので、まず枯れてしまうということで止めました。おいしい柿なので、伐採もかわいそうだし、3の方法を取ることにしました。剪定してコンパクトにすれば、埋めても生き残る可能性が高いそうです。

The Happy Farmers did not even come to clean up, so, naturally there was no reply about the persimmon tree. Since the crop compensation fee was being paid, the estate agency said that what is on the purchased land may be dealt however we wanted. At first, 3K Wiffy was thinking of transplanting it to another place in Highfield. However, the cost was not cheap, and if transplanted, the tree would die because summer is not good timing to do so. Felling was pity, because it is delicious. She decided to take the way No.3. If it is made compact, it is likely to survive even if lots of the parts buried under the soil.

剪定作業も業者にお願いすると費用がかかるので、3K Wiffyが汗をかきながら自分でやりました。

Pruning also would cost some money if we asked the builders. 3K Wiffy did it herself while sweating.


柿の木は少しづつ3K Wiffyが切り詰めて行きました。

これは、後で、造成業者から聞いた話です。工事開始の日、Happy Farmer一家との片づけの最中、彼らは業者の手伝いの同級生に、「柿の木をブルドーザーでがばっと掘って自分たちの耕作地までがばっと移植してくれないか」と頼んだそうです。同級生はOKと言いかけたのですが、それを聞いていた業者の社長が「費用は誰が払うんですか?」と聞くと、「お金がかかるなら柿の木はいいや」となったそうです。危うく3K Wiffyの汗が無駄になるところでした。社長は、3K Wiffyが残そうと、せっせと剪定していたのを知っていたので、機転を利かせてくれたのです。実は、この片づけ作業一式は、不動産屋さんが払うことになっていたので、業者は不動産屋さんに請求することも出来たのです。

This is a story I heard from the builder later. On the day of the construction start, during the tidying up with the Happy Farmers, they asked the old classmate construction assistance;  "Will you dig up the persimmon tree with the bulldozer and transplant it to our cultivating land?" The classmate nearly said OK, but as the president of the company was listening to it and asked them, "Well, Who pays for that?". They said, "If it costs money, we don't need the persimmon tree." It was a close shave. The 3K Wiffy's sweat was nearly to be wasted. The president knew that 3K Wiffy had been pruning it to let it survive, so he made the trick on them. In fact, since the estate agency was supposed to pay this clearing work, the builders could also charge the cost to the estate agency.



 The persimmon tree looks cute and looks to survive on the mound.