Highfield Gaijinsan’s blog

これは、Highfieldに住む ”あぶなくない” Gaijinさんと’3K’ Wiffyの開拓の記録です。



Highfield in 2008 and Gaijinsan. Now the land around is also Highfield.

先日、今年度の固定資産税の請求書が届きました。Gaijinsanと3K Wiffy、それぞれが家の周りの土地を買ったので、請求書は2通です。家の周りの土地の買い足しをしたので、住宅特例適用となって、200㎡までは評価額の6分の1、200㎡超えの部分は評価額の3分の1が課税評価額になるはずです。でも、・・・なっていませんでした。地目は「介在畑」で、評価額の70%が課税評価額となっていました。

Bills for property tax of this year have arrived. Gaijinsan and 3K Wiffy, each bought lands around the house, so there were two bills. As the lands were additional to their house, they should apply for the special measures; up to 200 ㎡,  the taxable valuation would become one-sixth of the evaluation value, and after 200 ㎡, the taxable valuation would become one-third of the evaluation value. But ... not. The land category was "field", and 70% of the evaluation value was the taxable valuation.

They asked the reason to the land property tax section of local government office. The explanation was "When the field survey was conducted at the beginning of January this year, the newly purchased lands remained as field, and they were separated from the residential land by a fence. As we could not confirm as one residential land, we evaluated separately as field." As the lands are in a city area, a field or a residential land does not change in value. However, in consideration of the future cost,  in case of field, the land value is estimated about 10% (only) cheaper.

Gaijinsanの土地は、コミュニティのお年寄りからの要望で、昨年12月末までは畑のままにしておいてあげました。3K Wiffyの土地は、その土地を借りて農業をしていたHappy Farmer家族への配慮で、1年間そのまま耕作してもらう約束にしています。役所の人に事情を説明しましたが、現況重視だそうで、そうした配慮などは税金に考慮できないそうです。ただ、土地の登記の際に番地を1つに統合して合筆登記していたら、1つの宅地として見ていただろうということでした。1つの宅地として評価されていたら、固定資産税は5万円ばかり安かったそうです。

The Gaijinsan's land was left as field until the end of December last year. It was a request by the elderly people in the community, who were tenant farmers. The 3K Wiffy's land was promised to remain as it is for a year. It was a consideration for Happy Farmers' family who has been renting the land for farming. I explained the circumstances to the officer of tax section, but he said that the current status is important, and any consideration for these 'kind' acts can not be taken into account for tax calculation. However, he said that it would have been seen as one residential land if the address numbers were integrated at the registration of the lands. The property tax would have been 50,000 yen cheaper in that case.

Gaijinsan and 3K Wiffy must do their best to create a garden by the survey in January next year so that they we will not need to pay the extra 50,000 yen tax next year.