Highfield Gaijinsan’s blog

これは、Highfieldに住む ”あぶなくない” Gaijinさんと’3K’ Wiffyの開拓の記録です。



3K Wiffy in Gardening. 彼女も密航おばあさんもちっちゃくて、かがむと丸いボールです。

毎日、散歩に家の前の道を歩いて、一休みにブロック塀に腰かけ、Happy Farmer一家の人たちと話して行くおばあさんがいます。彼女は、Highfieldに自生して来る、アロットメント時代の根っこからの大根とかを見つけると、無邪気に「取っていいか」と聞きます。もちろん、「勝手に掘って行ってくれ」と答えています。彼女は自称「密航者」です。でも、日本人で生まれは神戸だそうです。密航とは沖永良部島からだそうです。どういうことかわかりますか?

There is a grandmother who takes a walk everyday on the lane in front of the Highfield, sits down on a block fence for a break, and talks with the Happy Farmer family. When she finds a radish grown from the left roots in the allotment, she asks 3K Wiffy innocently, "Can I take it"? 3K Wiffy replys ''Of course, please dig it out." She is a self-proclaimed "smuggler". However, she is a Japanese and was born in Kobe. Her 'smuggling' seems to be from Okinoerabu Island. Do you see what this means?

3K Wiffyは昭和生まれなので、思い出しました。そう、沖縄周辺の島々は戦後一時期「外国」だったのです。彼女は小学校の時の夏休みに、親戚のいる沖永良部島に行き、いたく気に行ったので、そのまま20歳までうっかりそこで過ごしてしまったそうです。大人になって、でも島には仕事もないので本土に帰ろうとしたら、帰るにはパスポートが必要になっていました。沖永良部島にいた間に、日本は戦争に負けて、そこは「外国」になっていたためです。でも、彼女の住民票は沖永良部島にはないので、パスポートは作れません。・・帰るには密航しかなかったのです。

3K Wiffy was born in Showa era, so she remembered. Yes, the islands around Okinawa were "foreign" for a while after the war. The grandmother went to Okinoerabu Island where her relatives were living, during her summer vacation of an elementary school. She became so fond of the place that she carelessly stayed there until the age of 20. She  grew up, but there was no work on the island, so she wanted to return to the mainland. But she needed a passport to go back, because, while she was in Okinoerabu island, the island became "foreign" because Japan had lost the war. But her residential record was not able to obtain on Okinoerabu island, so the local government could not issue her passport. The only way to go back was by smuggling.


She did not return to Kobe, but came to Chiba relying on her acquaintances. She got a job at Takenaka Corporation, but she could not submit her resident card, and she had to give up the job even though the company wanted her. After this, there was a small company that did a kind job for her; she found a proper job there and made a resident card with the help of the company. But, she still says that Takenaka Corporation was really pity.

彼女はHappy Farmer一家とは長い付き合いのようで、「一家のおじいさんのお嫁さんは大変きれいな人で、若い時はよく農作業のお昼に一緒におにぎりを食べたり、Highfieldのある丘を一気にふもとの家まで競争で駆け下りたりもして、・・とても楽しかった。」と語ってくれたこともありました。この辺りには当時まったく家などなく、生浜東小学校(当時は中学校)と、7廻り塚(今は生浜東小学校の校庭)と、Highfieldの前にある日露戦争の忠霊塔があっただけだったそうです。

She seems to have a long relationship with the Happy Farmer family. She said "The grandfather's wife of this family was a very pretty woman, and when we were both young, we often ate rice balls together at lunchtime of farming work, or run down at a breath from the hill of Highfield to its bottom where their house was. It was really a fun." There were no houses at that time around here, only the Oihama Higashi Elementary School (at that time, it was the Oihama Junior High School), 7 round mounds (now Oihama Higashi Elementary School's school grounds), and the Japanese-Russian War Memorial Tower in front of Highfield.

彼女は、いつもシルバーカーを押して歩いて来ます。彼女と一緒にこういう記憶や当時の風景が消えてしまうのは大変残念なことです。3K Wiffyは、せめてBlogに残しておきたいと思いました。

She always walks by pushing a silver car. It would be very disappointing that such memories and the scenery of those days would disappear with her. 3K Wiffy wanted to keep a record at least in her Blog.